DORA at Sonic

WARMUP: It was cold so we got right to it.
SSH, WindMills, Produce Pickers. Then we mosey to the smaller circle at the apartments for some clock work. Then ran to Sonic.
THE THANG: DORA was there with 100 wide arm merkins, 200 V-ups and 300 sumo squats. For those who were fast, combination of LBC and or Merkins. Ran back towards COT. Needed more milage so on to Harris Teeter for a wall sit with burpees. Change Order requested happy jumps, it was entertaining!! 40-love ended with a Karate Kick!
MARY: Went around with AH, Hello Dolly and Gas Pumpers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Readctge news letter, D2D, Wednesday mini Convergence, and more,
COT: Prayers for patience, trust in tge lord and mental health during the season.

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